Vivid Audio G1Giya loudspeaker

Vivid Audio G1Giya loudspeaker はスタイルに特徴があります。

結構国内でも展示・視聴できるところも多いですが私は聴いたことがまだありません。ペアで 65000USD ですからリーズナブルな価格だと思います。

Over the years that I've been reviewing hi-fi, I've had my share of loudspeakers that drew comments from everyone who visited during the audition period. Some of those comments were about the speakers' appearance—most often about their size—and some were about how good they sounded. Vivid's G1Giya loudspeaker ($65,000/pair), its narrow-baffled, swirling cochlear shape molded from fiber-reinforced composite, elicited more comments of both types than has any other speaker I've reviewed.